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27397 The agony in the garden  The agony in the garden   mk56 oil on silvered copper Francesco Trevisani
40147 The Agony in the Garden  The Agony in the Garden   mk156 c.1350 Tempera on panel 100x92cm
56920 the agriculture god swallows his child  the agriculture god swallows his child   mk250 A.D. 1819-1823 years. On after mural canvas's part, entire picture 144.8 x 81.3 centimeters. Madrid pula art museum.
39432 The Anastasis (resurrection)  The Anastasis (resurrection)   mk148 Adam takes icon out of the Novgorod-school, Russia, late 14.Jh.Christus at hand and leads it and the further deceased biblical persons out of the hell
42587 The angels Gods Defeat the Enemies of the Israelieten illuminatie  The angels Gods Defeat the Enemies of the Israelieten illuminatie   MK169 width 12 cm from Reims ca.820-32 n. Chr. universities library Utrecht
41773 THe Annuciation  THe Annuciation   mk165 Saint Catherine Monastery Mount Sinai Egypt
41879 The Annuciation  The Annuciation   mk165 Novgorod 41x33cm
41782 The Annuciation,The Archangel Gabriel  The Annuciation,The Archangel Gabriel   mk165 Church of the virgin peribleptos of Ohrid
41783 The Annunciation  The Annunciation   mk165 Church of the Peribleptos of Ohrid
41810 The Annunciation  The Annunciation   mk165 Egg tempera on plaster on wood 55x43cm
41828 The Annunciation  The Annunciation   mk165 43x34cm
64183 The Annunciation  The Annunciation   1410s Woollen tapestry, 345 X 290 cm The Cloisters Collection, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York Tapestries provided a very suitable medium for the stylistic expression of the International Gothic art. While, in general, tapestry weaving attempted to solve the same problems as those raised by painting, the opposite can be observed in the period about 1400: it was then in fact painters who endeavoured to achieve effects like tapestry by the homogeneous texture of their pictures, which were made up from tiny, dense and decoratively stylized repeated elements. It is a characteristic feature of the International Gothic style to endeavour to make the various motifs appear to be of the same quality, and to give them the fluid lines of textiles. These endeavours felicitously made use of the possibilities offered by tapestry-weaving. In general terms the composition follows that of Broederlam's Annunciation; it is from the open air that the angel approaches the Virgin, who is enthroned in a chapel-like building. The upper outlines of the chapel are set off by the contrast of the brown mountain which looms up behind the building. On the left luxuriant vegetation stretches up towards the sky, where a half length figure of God the Father appears surrounded by a golden mandorla. Narrow bands of white cloud form a rhythmically repeated pattern on the sky around him. The building looks as if it were made of some rigid fabric, for its column is like a thick cluster of cables, decorated with recurrent multicoloured motifs. The bottom edge is a fluctuating line, as if the ground were creeping up the wall. This may be a stylized version of the hillside to be seen beside Broederlam's pavilion. As though to counter-balance the luxuriant vegetation on the left side, the floor of the chapel is covered with a mosaic of amazing variety. There are no duplicates among the geometrical forms, which alternate with stylized foliate motifs. The natural surroundings are also luxuriantly decorative: plants of different kinds will spring from the same stock. However, it is not only with the abundance of forms of trees, leaves and flowers that the forest astonishes us, but with its sense of magic and mystery. The trunks of the trees with their vibrant lines, the flowers, which resemble stars, and the clusters of leaves are illuminated by shimmering lights. The same vegetation that is resplendent in bright colours in front of the building and on the left side of the tapestry, darkens behind the angel on the right creating, as if by magic, a mysterious, nocturnal darkness around the heavenly messenger, a darkness out of which only a few stylized foliate forms shine forth. The rigid stems apparontly have no connection with the petals (for example between the wings and the back of the angel). This vegetation has marked affinities with the foliate forms in the so-called Paris Apocalypse, a work also produced in the Low Countries, where the same motifs again produce a most expressive effect. , Artist: UNKNOWN MASTER, Flemish , The Annunciation , 1401-1450 , Flemish , painting , religious
65001 The Annunciation  The Annunciation   1430 Wood, 140 x 169 cm Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya, Barcelona The anonymous Castilian painter who in the first half of the fifteenth century painted this Annunciation was probably more of a craftsman than an artist. Certainly he had not assimilated the pictorial innovations already evident in Italy and north of the Alps. The work reveals an independence in the treatment which calls to mind the way in which the peasant craftsmen of Eastern Europe freely adapted acknowledged styles to suit local tastes when they decorated some of the churches of the Carpathian Basin. This work owes a great deal to Gothic art, but the Castilian painter has given free rein to his love of ornamentation. The lack of perspective seems unimportant where there is such a decorative use of colour for the garments, and the vase with three lilies distracts us from the clumsy proportions of the figure of Mary. , UNKNOWN MASTER, Spanish , The Annunciation , 1401-1450 , Spanish , painting , religious
79184 The Annunciation  The Annunciation   "The Annunciation" by Geronimo Lucenti da Correggio Painting, Oil on copperplate, 67x51 cm First quarter of the 17th century cjr
41811 The Annunciation of Ustyug  The Annunciation of Ustyug   mk165 From the Saint George Monastgery at Novgorod
43483 The Apocalyptic Texts  The Apocalyptic Texts   mk172 by John of Patmos inspired a series of Images that nourished the Figurative arts throughout Western history
41832 THe Apostle Peter  THe Apostle Peter   mk165 1387-95 148x98cm
53638 The apostle Peter, from Oscottpsaltaren  The apostle Peter, from Oscottpsaltaren   mk234 about 1270 3019cm
41791 The Apostle Phillip and the Saints Theodore and Demetrius  The Apostle Phillip and the Saints Theodore and Demetrius   mk165 Egg Tempera on plaster on wood 41x50cm
71922 The Appian Way  The Appian Way   ca. 1869(1869) Oil on canvas 9.2 x 98.4 x 206.5 cm (3.62 x 38.74 x 81.3 in)
41802 The Archangel Gabriel  The Archangel Gabriel   mk165 1387-1395 Egg tempera on plaster on canvas mounted on wood 146x106cm
41803 The Archangel Gabriel  The Archangel Gabriel   mk165 National Museum Lviv Ukraine
41815 The Archangel Gabriel  The Archangel Gabriel   mk165 48x239cm The State Russian Museum
41789 The Archangel Michael  The Archangel Michael   mk165 From the Church of Saints-Cyrius and juliette Lagourka Georgia
41839 The Archangel Michael  The Archangel Michael   mk165 33x50 From the Church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross Drogobytch
64921 The Archangel Michael  The Archangel Michael   127 x 78 cm Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya, Barcelona The archangel Michael was, like St. George the dragon-killer, one of the typically warlike saints so greatly approved in the age of chivalry. The Bible tells us that he fought with Satan for the body of Moses and we can read in the Apocalypse how he defeated the dragon with seven heads and ten horns. St. Michael was therefore looked upon as one of the principal patrons of the Church who, having overcome Satan, could protect all innocent souls from the Devil. This painting illustrates the somewhat provincial style of Juan de la Abadia of Huesca. The heritage of the Trecento can be seen in the delicate, girlish countenance of the saint and the brilliant tints of the wings, but blended with it is the elegance associated with the International Gothic style. The figures are wooden and lifeless and the artist's limited knowledge of anatomy may be seen in his representation of the soul; but the carefully arranged pattern of the floor creates the illusion of space, indicating that the artist was aware of the later developments of Gothic art and was to some extent influenced by early Renaissance art. , ABADIA, Juan de la , The Archangel Michael , 1451-1500 , Spanish , painting , religious
41776 THe Archangel Saint Michael  THe Archangel Saint Michael   mk165 Icon of Gilded silver Enamel and precious stones Saint Marc Basilica-s Treasure Venice
41906 The Archimandrite Zinon,Saint Sergius of Radonezh  The Archimandrite Zinon,Saint Sergius of Radonezh   mk165 Dormition Monastery Pskov Russia
42684 The Ardebil-rugs  The Ardebil-rugs   MK169 1540 Pole of full 10.5x5.3m Victoria and Albert Museum Rewarded
49275 The Army of the Potomac Landing at Fort Monroe  The Army of the Potomac Landing at Fort Monroe   mk195 1862 Watercolor on paper 4x6
49218 The Army of the Potomac Marching up Pennsylvania Avenue,Washington  The Army of the Potomac Marching up Pennsylvania Avenue,Washington   mk195 1861 Oil on canvas 39x50
44307 The Arrest of Christ  The Arrest of Christ   1290s Fresco
79125 The arrest of Christ  The arrest of Christ   ca. 1530-1550 Oil on panel 51.2 x 80.8 cm (20.2 x 31.8 in) cjr
78753 The Artist with his Daughter Antonia  The Artist with his Daughter Antonia   ca. 1750(1750) Oil on canvas 159 x 118 cm (62.6 x 46.5 in) cjr
79789 The Artist's Daughters on the Way to School  The Artist's Daughters on the Way to School   Oil on canvas, 134 x 105.5 cm Date 1851(1851) cjr
64338 the artist's wife and sister  the artist's wife and sister   1088 orleans, museum
56838 The artist's younger brother and sister portrait  The artist's younger brother and sister portrait   mk250 About 1555. Methuen collection, the United Kingdom Wiltshire Ke Shamu Castle.
52578 The Artist-s Sisters  The Artist-s Sisters   1843 Oil on canvas, 180 x 135 cm
42727 The arts ares and her daughter  The arts ares and her daughter   MK169 ca. 1785 Cloth 130x94cm
41911 The Ascension  The Ascension   mk165 around 1680 Valachia Romania National Art Museum of Romania
27344 The astrologer copernicus seated at a table strewn with papers,books and a globe,a negro attendant standing beside him  The astrologer copernicus seated at a table strewn with papers,books and a globe,a negro attendant standing beside him   mk56 oil on canvas
67280 The Astronomer  The Astronomer   Year Unknown Technique Oil on panel Dimensions 7 3/8 ?? 10 inches (19 ?? 25.4 cm)
42008 The Asuncion of Holy Mari Mary magdalene  The Asuncion of Holy Mari Mary magdalene   mk166 near 1565 Tempera on wood Galeria National of Ireland, Dublin
52582 The Attack of Zrinyi  The Attack of Zrinyi   1825 Oil on canvas, 455 x 645 cm
68411 The Bagpiper  The Bagpiper   Oil on panel, 101 cm ?? 83 cm
53627 The baker and his wife  The baker and his wife   mk234 forsta arhundradet 58x52cm
63829 The Ball at the Court  The Ball at the Court   1604 Oil on wood, 50 x 66 cm Pushkin Museum, MoscowArtist:PEPIJN, Marten Title: The Ball at the Court Painted in 1601-1650 , Flemish - - painting : genre
60111 the band of stings and horns at the san beneto teatro  the band of stings and horns at the san beneto teatro   mk270 the band of stings and horns at the san beneto teatro. the musicians are placed in two serried ranks at the side of the hall in venice.
72417 The Banks of the Loire  The Banks of the Loire   Oil painting reproduction of Ferdinand du Puigaudeau.
41775 The Baptism of Christ  The Baptism of Christ   mk165 Saint Catherine Monastery Mount Sinai Egypt
64775 The Baptism of Christ  The Baptism of Christ   Oil on canvas Mus?e du Louvre, Paris , CORNELIS VAN HAARLEM , The Baptism of Christ , 1551-1600 , Dutch , painting , religious
71749 The Bard,  The Bard,   The Bard, 1774, by Welsh artist Thomas Jones. Oil on Canvas, now belonging to the National Museum of Wales in Cardiff
75101 The barque Annie Burrill  The barque Annie Burrill   Oil on canvas 45.7 X 63.5 cm (17.99 X 25 in) cjr
41827 THe Battle Between the Novgorodians and the Suzdalians or the virgin of the sign  THe Battle Between the Novgorodians and the Suzdalians or the virgin of the sign   mk165 Novgorod School The State Tretyakov Gallery Moscow
74277 The battle of pharsala by Georgios Roilos  The battle of pharsala by Georgios Roilos   Oil Painting , The battle of pharsala by Georgios Roilos (1867-1928) 1898(1898) cjr
73978 The Battle of Saint Gotthard, bavarian oil-painting  The Battle of Saint Gotthard, bavarian oil-painting   The Battle of Saint Gotthard, bavarian oil-painting 1665(1665) cjr
27502 The Battle of the amazons  The Battle of the amazons   mk56 oil on panel Follower of Adriaen van Stalbemt
98403 The Battle of the Ticino  The Battle of the Ticino   1550s Medium Distemper on sheets of paper mounted on canvas Dimensions Height: 385 cm (151.6 in). Width: 655 cm (257.9 in).
30197 The Bayeux Tapestry  The Bayeux Tapestry   nn05 after 1066 Propaganda on cloth
72295 The Beach at Trouville  The Beach at Trouville   "The Beach at Trouville," oil on panel, by the French artist Eugene Louis Boudin. 8 3/8 in. x 16 in. Yale University Art Gallery, Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mellon, B.A. 1929. Courtesy of Yale University, New Haven, Conn. cjr
78190 The Belgian Refugee,  The Belgian Refugee,   The Belgian Refugee, oil on canvas painting by Norah Neilson Gray Date 1915(1915) cjr
45695 The belief  The belief   mk186 around 1470 Florence, Uffizien
42822 The Betrayal of Judas and the Arrest of Christ  The Betrayal of Judas and the Arrest of Christ   mk170 circa 1325 Tempera on poplar 40.5x58.5cm
27431 The Betrothal  The Betrothal   mk56 oil on panel After Lucas van Leyden
27358 The Betrothal of the virgin  The Betrothal of the virgin   mk56 oil on canvas Franco-Flemish School,17th Century
64345 the billet- doux  the billet- doux   1808 leeuwarden, fries museum
34166 The bird Simurgh carries the child Zal aloft into the mountains  The bird Simurgh carries the child Zal aloft into the mountains   mk90 Illustration to Firdawsi\'s Book of Kings
39426 The birth  The birth   mk146 byzantinisches fresco church of Karamlik Kilise, Kappadozien, around 1175. in accordance with apokrypher delivery Maria in a cave releases under presence of two nurse one by the name of Salome)
39425 The birth of the virgin  The birth of the virgin   mk146 Italian Schule,15.Jh. Anna mounted washed becomes itself in bed during (in the foreground) the wrapped baby Maria by a nurse
42020 The birth of the Virgin one  The birth of the Virgin one   mk166 the middle of the 17th Century I Wave on cloth 168x119cm Museum of the Louvre, Paris
49288 tHE Blockade Runner Ashore  tHE Blockade Runner Ashore   mk195 1864 Watercolor 10x16
79261 The Blue Head  The Blue Head   The Blue Head, painting, oil on canvas, 49.5 x 39.4 cm, by Peter Purves Smith Date 1937(1937) cjr
72177 The Boar Hunt  The Boar Hunt   between 1525(1525) and 1530(1530) Oil on cradled panel 21 X 38.7 cm (8.27 X 15.24 in)
30337 The Book of the Dead of Padiameet  The Book of the Dead of Padiameet   mk68 C.1985-1650BCE Papyrus, London,British Museum
73230 The Bourg-de-Batz Church under the Moon  The Bourg-de-Batz Church under the Moon   Oil painting reproduction of Ferdinand du Puigaudeau. cjr
73962 The Boy with the Bird  The Boy with the Bird   Der Knabe mit dem Vogel cjr
75202 The Bridge at Remich  The Bridge at Remich   "The Bridge at Remich", oil painting by Luxembourg post-impressionist painter cyf
77500 The burning of the English fleet off Chatham, 20 June 1667.  The burning of the English fleet off Chatham, 20 June 1667.   ca. 1670(1670) (1667-1700) Oil on panel 73 ?? 108 cm (28.7 ?? 42.5 in) cjr
27415 The Calling of peter,christ healing the blind man  The Calling of peter,christ healing the blind man   mk56 a pair,both oil on copper
35382 The Cape of Good Hope  The Cape of Good Hope   mk102 c.1731-32 Oil on canvas 78.5x117.0cm
33034 The Captive  The Captive   nn08 Collection of the Cincinnati Art Museum
44720 The Capture of Porto Bello  The Capture of Porto Bello   mk175 21 November 1739 A drawing of this action was sent back by Capt.Durell
49574 The Caroline envaldet Fellow XI and his family pa 1690- digits  The Caroline envaldet Fellow XI and his family pa 1690- digits   mk201 King stout to blemish. in the double portrattet upon him had konstnaren millings his doda gemal
62884 The Castle of Batavia  The Castle of Batavia   Seen from Kali Besar West 1656 Oil on canvas, 108 x 151,5 cm Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam Dutch expansion overseas was in both directions, eastward and westwards. In particular, it was the establishment of the Dutch East India Company (VOC) in 1602 and the Dutch West India Company (WIC) in 1621, each with clearly demarcated areas of activity, that caused the number of Dutch overseas territories to increase rapidly. Some of the settlements in the western hemisphere were only briefly under Dutch administration: Northern Brazil (1624-1661) and New Holland, with the city of New Amsterdam ethe future New York eat the mouth of the Hudson river (1628-1664). On the other hand, the islands of Curacao, Aruba, Bonaire, St. Eustatius, Saba and St. Martin are still Dutch, while Surinam became independent in 1975. The Far Eastern territories were the most important, including settlements in India, Ceylon (now Sri Lanka), Malacca (now part of Malaysia), Formosa (now Taiwan), the Japanese island of Deshima and the Indonesian archipelago. It was here, in Batavia on the island of Java, that the VOC established its administrative headquarters, with a governor-general in charge from 1610 onwards. Trading contracts were signed and alliances concluded with local princes. In 1652, a staging post for VOC ships was established at the southern tip of Africa, known as the Cape of Good Hope. The arrival of settlers was to transform this into a fully-fledged Dutch colony. In the background of the paianting is the castle of Batavia, the bastion of Dutch rule in Asia. This was where the VOC's administrators lived. The governor-general is just arriving in town with his retinue. In the foreground is a market by the Kali Besar, or Great River. The Dutch built Batavia in 1619 on the site of Jakarta, which they had destroyed. Beeckman was commissioned by the voc to paint this peaceful scene on the spot. Artist: BEECKMAN, Andries Title: The Castle of Batavia, Seen from Kali Besar West , painting Date: 1651-1700 Dutch : landscape
37399 The Cat  The Cat   mk125
70654 The Charter Oak  The Charter Oak   1857 Wadsworth Athaneum oil on canvas 109.54 cm (43.12 in.), Width: 137.95 cm (54.31 in.)
72632 The Charter Oak  The Charter Oak   "The Charter Oak," oil on canvas, by American artist Charles De Wolf Brownell. Courtesy of the Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, Connecticut. cjr
77300 The Children of Comte Louis Amedie de Barjerac  The Children of Comte Louis Amedie de Barjerac   The Children of Comte Louis Amedie de Barjerac", oil on canvas painting by Franz (François) Fleischbein (c. 1801-1868), 1839 cjr
78390 The children of the comte d'Artois  The children of the comte d'Artois   1781(1781) Oil on canvas 80 x 100 cm (31.5 x 39.4 in) cjr
27517 The Christ child appearing to saint anthony of padua  The Christ child appearing to saint anthony of padua   mk56 oil on canvas After Bartolome Esteban Murillo
41887 The Christ in the Royal Crown  The Christ in the Royal Crown   mk165
50608 The Church break down  The Church break down   mk213 Oil on canvas
43467 The Church of San Francisco  The Church of San Francisco   mk172 Javier contains a lateral altarpiece dedicated to the founders of religious orders
44848 The Colosseum  The Colosseum   mk176 Concrete Romer
45705 The composure  The composure   mk186 around 1470 Florence, Uffizien
78237 The Comtesse de Selve.  The Comtesse de Selve.   1787(1787) cjr
75005 The Concert  The Concert   The Concert 1624 Oil on canvas, 168 cm x 178 cm cjr
52607 The Congregation of the Archangels  The Congregation of the Archangels   Tempera on panel Vatopediou Monastery
74069 The connoisseurs  The connoisseurs   "The connoisseurs", oil painting on panel by Theodore Gerard (1829-1895); private collection cjr
33055 The convalescent  The convalescent   nn08 1890

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